Jenice Malecki of Malecki Law will be appearing on Fox Business News at 12pm today, speaking with Dennis Kneale to revisit the $13 billion settlement announced by JP Morgan today.
The focus of the discussion will be the aftermath of the settlement, and what it means for JP Morgan moving forward. The settlement was for conduct that occurred from 2005 to 2008, largely predating the financial crisis and acquisitions of Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual. In fact, according to the Department of Justice, as reported by Fox Business News, JP Morgan regularly represented that the loans it bundled and sold to investors complied with underwriting guidelines, when they actually did not.
It remains to be seen whether this will impact other litigation that JP Morgan continues to defend against private litigation, or in future criminal proceedings arising from the conduct of JP Morgan’s employees. It also remains to be seen whether JP Morgan will provide liquidity for a fire sale, as it did with Bear Stearns during the financial crisis.